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When Does Umbrella Insurance Go Into Effect?

Being underinsured can be as daunting as being uninsured. Unfortunately, many people learn the hard and costly way that inadequate coverage can lead to expensive mistakes or oversights. That’s why so many people in the greater Cincinnati, OH area rely on McCluskey Insurance Services LLC’s professional and experienced team for all their umbrella insurance needs.

When Does Umbrella Insurance Kick In?

If you’re involved in an accident and another driver files a claim against you, your auto insurance policy will cover you up to a certain limit. If you don’t have adequate coverage or are underinsured (for example, if you only have state minimum coverage), those liability claims and costs may easily exceed your policy limits. This is one example of how and why people choose to cover their potential liabilities with umbrella insurance solutions.

Umbrella insurance comes into effect when a liability claim exceeds the limits of your policy. If you’re unsure about your coverage and protection, umbrella insurance offers the certainty you want – and may need. That’s why it’s a good idea to work with reputable and professional agents who can help ensure your protection with the right umbrella insurance solutions.

Umbrella Insurance for Cincinnati, OH Area Residents

If you live in Cincinnati, OH, or the surrounding area and have questions or would like to learn more about umbrella insurance solutions, we can help. Contact us to find out more and schedule an appointment with our friendly and helpful team at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC for the protection that only umbrella insurance can provide.

Do You Need Separate Insurance for Vacation Homes?

As more people invest in vacation homes in and around Cincinnati, OH, properly protecting these properties has become a top priority. Standard home insurance policies cover primary residences, but vacation homes require different coverage due to their unique risks.

Many property owners wonder if their vacation homes need separate insurance or if they can be added to an existing policy. Take a closer look at your home insurance policy to determine if additional coverage is necessary.

What Does Standard Home Insurance Cover?

A standard home insurance policy typically covers the property damage, liability, and personal belongings of primary residences. This includes protection against theft, fire, and vandalism, as well as liability for injuries on the property.

However, when it comes to vacation homes, standard policies may have certain limitations that leave gaps in coverage. Some coverage may extend to vacation homes, but this coverage is often not sufficient for long-term properties, making a separate insurance policy a better option.

Why Separate Insurance May Be Necessary

Separate insurance for vacation homes typically includes specialized coverage tailored to the unique needs of these properties. In many cases, separate insurance provides extra liability coverage for injuries or accidents that occur on the premises.

This type of insurance can also help address gaps in standard coverage, ensuring that your vacation home is fully protected while providing peace of mind that your investment is safe.

Reach Out to McCluskey Insurance Services LLC

While standard home insurance may offer some coverage for vacation homes, it often fails to address the unique risks associated with these properties. At McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH, we offer comprehensive home insurance policies with additional coverage options to protect vacation homes against a range of perils. Contact our office today.

What are comprehensive and collision coverages, and how do they work?

When consumers are shopping for auto insurance, many state that they are looking for "full coverage," a term many in the auto finance industry use to describe the type of coverage they want their clients to carry on financed autos. Though we at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH, use the term loosely, we understand they require you to carry comprehensive and collision coverages on your auto policy.

Understanding Comprehensive and Collision Coverages

Comprehensive (comp) and collision coverage are often sold as a package deal on an insurance policy. Collision coverage provides coverage if you are in an auto accident and collide with another vehicle or stationary object, such as a fence or light pole.

Comprehensive coverage (also known as other than collision) covers incidents where a rock breaks your windshield, you damage your vehicle by hitting an animal in the road, or someone breaks in, steals, or vandalizes your car. Comprehensive covers a multitude of circumstances unless otherwise listed in the "policy conditions" section of your policy.

How do Comp and Collision Work?

When you file a claim, and your incident falls under either coverage, you are required to pay a deductible for the damages before insurance kicks in and pays. For example, you collide with another vehicle, and you’re found liable for the accident after a police investigation. As a result of the accident, you incurred $5000 worth of damage. You have a $500 deductible on your auto policy for collision coverage. In that case, you would pay $500 to the repair shop, and insurance would pay $4500 toward the repair of your vehicle. Comp claims work the same way.

When you purchase an auto insurance policy, you choose the deductible you want for your comprehensive and collision coverages. These two amounts don’t have to be the same, though most people purchase a policy that way. Deductibles typically range between $250 -$1000. Some companies go even higher. The higher the deductible you agree to pay when purchasing your policy, the lower your premiums will be. Vice versa, if you select a lower deductible, your auto policy will cost more in premiums.

For More Information

To know more about comprehensive and collision coverages and how they can benefit you on your auto policy. Also, to know about auto insurance deductibles, call McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH, at (513) 999-5411.

What are considered “attractive nuisances?”

Many industries seem to have their own language. Some examples include the medical field, real estate, and the legal community. To some degree, the insurance business has its own terms you should be familiar with.

For homeowners in Cincinnati, OH, one of those terms may be "attractive nuisance." McCluskey Insurance Services LLC believes that the more you know about home insurance, the more likely you may become our client. Here is an explanation of "attractive nuisance" when it comes to home insurance.

What is an attractive nuisance?

An attractive nuisance is a feature on a property that may attract children’s attention, perhaps causing them to enter the property and potentially causing injury.

What are some examples of an attractive nuisance?

Attractive nuisances include items like a pool or tub, swing set, trampoline, or tree house. These can be temptations for young people in particular and pose risks to them.

Are attractive nuisances covered under home insurance policies?

These nuisances may be covered under a home insurance policy when noted in the policy or through an endorsement. However, some features have been shown to be so dangerous that they may be excluded from coverage. Some providers may even cancel a home insurance policy if a home is discovered to have such a feature. Trampolines and diving boards are two examples of attractive nuisances that are often excluded from coverage.

The impact of an attractive nuisance

An attractive nuisance may raise home insurance premiums or even cause a provider to decline coverage. Contact your agent for details and more information.

Get a quote today

If you are a homeowner in the Greater Cincinnati, OH, area, we invite you to contact us at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC. We will be happy to answer your questions and provide a home insurance review. We can also provide a quote for your home insurance. Contact us to learn more.

Businesses and Professions That Benefit from Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance is a policy that extends the liability limits of the underlying policies that businesses and individuals own. Umbrella insurance benefits a range of businesses and professions and is relatively inexpensive, given its value. If you have questions about how umbrella insurance benefits you or your company, consider McCluskey Insurance Services LLC, which serves the Cincinnati, OH, area.

Which Professions Need Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance supplements the liability coverage of base policies, so businesses and professions that invite suppliers or customers onto their property benefit from its enhanced liability coverage. Professionals such as physicians, lawyers, accountants, and others whose clients visit their offices risk slips, falls, and other mishaps. Similarly, retailers, shops, and restaurants that allow the public on their premises risk having someone fall or suffer other injuries on their property. Finally, real estate agents, commercial property organizations, and others with properties occupied by other businesses face similar risks.

A second group that should consider umbrella insurance is those whose employees or themselves work on property owned by others. Contractors, electricians, and plumbers are among those who run the risk of injuring others or damaging their property while on site. Similarly, any business that makes deliveries, travels for appointments, or drives for other reasons faces potential motor vehicle accidents.

Many other businesses must carry umbrella insurance to meet the contractual obligations when working with government agencies and many private companies. Likewise, any business that could face legal action for slander, defamation, libel, or other issues should consider umbrella insurance.

Working With McCluskey Insurance Services LLC

The McCluskey Insurance Services LLC team serves the insurance needs of individuals and businesses in the Cincinnati, OH, area. Call us at (513) 999-5411 to discuss how umbrella insurance offers the protection you need.

Then and Now Protecting Your Classic Car begins with Insurance

Once, the most dangerous weapon a child handled was a B.B. gun, and they could play outside until the streetlights flickered on. For classic car owners, these vintage vehicles serve as much more than nostalgic artifacts. They are akin to time capsules on wheels. As such, classic car owners from all around the greater Cincinnati, OH area trust McCluskey Insurance Services LLC’s professional and experienced agents with their classic car insurance needs.

Bridging the Past and Present with Classic Car Insurance

Classic cars connect to what many fondly remember as a more innocent time. Classic car insurance preserves these portals from the past by providing protection for repair expenses, especially those related to hard-to-find, expensive parts. Moreover, insurance safeguards these vehicles’ cultural and historical value for their owners and the community.

Customized Classic Car Insurance in Cincinnati, OH

Do you reside in or around Cincinnati, OH, and need expert support to navigate the ins and outs of classic car insurance? Look no further than the team at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC. Our seasoned specialists are equipped to answer all your questions and tailor a protective package befitting your prized possession. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment for the classic car insurance solutions you need – preserving the past has never been more reassuring.

Does your auto insurance cover you when you rent a car?

Renting a car is an action most people undertake only while on vacation. As it’s not a frequent activity for many, you could be confronted with several unfamiliar questions when completing the rental agreement, likely online. If your car insurance is with McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH, you can contact someone to get the answers you need.

Frequently asked question: Does my car insurance cover me in a rental car? The best answer is – it depends. Not every car insurance policy will cover your rental car. It primarily relies on the type of coverage you have. If your policy is basic with just liability, then no, your car insurance will not suffice. The rental car company expects you to have comprehensive collision coverage to safeguard your vehicle.

However, if you possess a comprehensive policy encompassing liability, comprehensive, and collision, it should cover you when driving a rental car. If you have concerns, your insurance agent should be capable of providing the required information. If the rental company offers additional property coverage for your luggage and other items in your vehicle, and if you have home, condo, or renters insurance, you can decline this additional offer as you’re already covered.

Checking your credit card for any rental vehicle coverage would be beneficial. Many credit cards provide this service. This implies that your credit card will take responsibility instead of your insurance company paying for any repairs. If you’d rather have your auto insurance stay uninvolved, this is your preferred option.

If you have any questions about car insurance, including coverage for a rental car, contact McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH.

Emergency Preparedness – Is Your Home Ready?

It’s not always obvious when a disaster will strike, which is why being prepared at all times is essential. The experts at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH, offer the following tips for being ready for the unexpected.

Create an Emergency Preparedness Plan

Have a plan in place for your household and pets that includes information about an emergency meeting place, health and insurance documents, and emergency contact info. Establish an evacuation route in case of a disaster, and distribute copies of the plan to all occupants in the dwelling, keeping a master copy on hand.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Assemble an emergency kit with the essentials needed for at least three days following a major storm or disaster. Gather non-perishable foods and beverages, a can opener, and disposable dishware. Ensure to include first aid gear, necessary medications, and infant supplies. Pack a flashlight, batteries, and a battery-powered radio to stay informed about conditions.

Keep small bills and change handy, and be prepared with appropriate clothing for the weather. Include photocopies of important documents, such as insurance, birth certificates, and personal records. Many retailers sell pre-prepared emergency kits, and organizations such as the Red Cross offer basic kits free of charge.

Make a Home Inventory List

Create an inventory of your valuables, including photos, receipts, or video footage. This can serve as evidence should you need to file a claim after suffering property damage. Most insurance providers will supply a list to help you get started, and you can keep these on file with your company.

Get Insurance Coverage Today

Disasters can strike anytime, emphasizing the importance of solid insurance coverage. If you are ready to handle major damage, contact McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH, today to get more information and receive a free quote for the coverage you need.

How Umbrella Insurance Adds to Your Liability Protection

You require insurance policies that safeguard your belongings. If you own a car and a home, you likely possess the appropriate policies to cover them. Nevertheless, home and auto insurance do not provide comprehensive coverage for all your assets. An umbrella policy should also be part of your coverage plan for better protection. To understand more about umbrella insurance, do reach out to us at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH.

Adding Liability Coverage

Both your auto and home policies typically include some measure of liability coverage. Each policy will include a specified liability coverage amount, which may not suffice. This is particularly true in grave accidents involving hefty medical expenses. There’s a common occurrence of people not having enough liability insurance to cover these costs. This implies that you might have to bear an additional expense once your liability coverage reaches its maximum.

Paying the Overage

That’s where your umbrella policy steps in when there’s an excess after your home or auto insurance has covered as much as they can. It caters to the leftovers, so your finances aren’t strained. The liability coverage offered by an umbrella policy is enormous. Even a seriously drastic accident could be accommodated under these policies. It can prevent you from filing for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a severe accident. Umbrella insurance is also cost-effective and comparatively inexpensive for the huge volume of coverage offered. It’s more affordable to opt for one of these policies than it would be to add extra liability coverage to each of your current policies separately.

Get Umbrella Insurance

When you’re ready for an umbrella insurance policy, contact us today at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH.

What Business Owners Need to Know About Insurance

Starting your own business is an exciting endeavor. Many people have dreamed of this for years. If you want to see this dream succeed, you must consider how you’ll protect all the hard work and money you’ve invested. Commercial insurance is one of the best ways you can protect what you’ve built. Here at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC, serving Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding areas, we can help you better understand your insurance needs. 

Why Commercial Insurance?

There are so many layers to running a business, and almost all of those layers need some form of insurance protection. Having multiple insurance policies, though, can be confusing and inefficient. Commercial insurance is specially designed to bundle different insurance policies together to help simplify things for busy business owners. When you purchase a commercial insurance policy, you can rest assured that you’ve got your bases covered with the least amount of stress and headache.

What Coverage Do I Need?

Since no two businesses are identical, no insurance policies will be identical. The best way to determine your coverage is to sit down with an insurance rep. This professional will look at all of the details of your business and will advise you on what types of coverage and what amounts of coverage are best.

What Happens Without Insurance?

Some types of coverage will be required for you to operate your business legally. But even beyond legal requirements, you are putting yourself at extreme financial risk without insurance. If there is significant damage to your property, someone is injured on your property, or someone is injured because of your goods or services, you can be held financially liable, and this can put your business at risk.

If you’d like to learn more about commercial insurance, please contact us today at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC, serving Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding areas.

Servicing States

  • Ohio
  • Kentucky
  • Indiana
  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Maine
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  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
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  • New Mexico
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  • Pennsylvania
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Partner Carriers

  • AAA
  • AIG
  • Branch
  • Bristol West
  • Foremost
  • Gainsco
  • Geico
  • Grange
  • Grinnell Mutual
  • Hagerty
  • John Hancock
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Lincoln
  • National General
  • Openly
  • Pacific Life
  • Progressive
  • Protective
  • Prudential
  • Safeco
  • Transamerica
  • Travelers
  • Trexis
  • The General