If you have recently bought a car and are shopping for auto insurance within the United States, getting the right coverage will require you to understand various aspects of a policy. It will often involve differentiating the mandatory policies from the optional ones while determining what each cover. McCluskey Insurance Services LLC breaks down what to expect from your auto insurance.
Liability coverage is mandatory for drivers within the state, with motorists required to have bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Bodily injury liability covers 3rd party medical costs if you are found liable for an accident. Property damage liability will come in handy if you cause damage to another person’s property, such as buildings and vehicles.
Comprehensive coverage protects you when your car is destroyed by perils such as fire, hail, or vandalism. It also ensures that you receive enough compensation to help you replace your vehicle if your car is stolen.
Collision coverage provides compensation when you are involved in a crash with another vehicle. If you also hit objects during your drives, such as fences or posts, this policy helps you pay for your repair or replacement expenses.
Uninsured coverage helps you cover your expenses when an uninsured driver hits you. Underinsured coverage will come in handy when you get into a crash with a motorist whose cover cannot pay for the full extent of your medical or property damage bills.
Medical payments coverage protects you when you or your passengers are injured in an accident. It helps you and your loved one’s cover costs such as surgery fees, hospital visits, prescription expenses, and X-ray fees.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the above policies to keep you safe during your drives around country, consider giving McCluskey Insurance Services LLC a call today. Our auto policies are tailored to meet your various needs.
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