You require insurance policies that safeguard your belongings. If you own a car and a home, you likely possess the appropriate policies to cover them. Nevertheless, home and auto insurance do not provide comprehensive coverage for all your assets. An umbrella policy should also be part of your coverage plan for better protection. To understand more about umbrella insurance, do reach out to us at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH.
Adding Liability Coverage
Both your auto and home policies typically include some measure of liability coverage. Each policy will include a specified liability coverage amount, which may not suffice. This is particularly true in grave accidents involving hefty medical expenses. There’s a common occurrence of people not having enough liability insurance to cover these costs. This implies that you might have to bear an additional expense once your liability coverage reaches its maximum.
Paying the Overage
That’s where your umbrella policy steps in when there’s an excess after your home or auto insurance has covered as much as they can. It caters to the leftovers, so your finances aren’t strained. The liability coverage offered by an umbrella policy is enormous. Even a seriously drastic accident could be accommodated under these policies. It can prevent you from filing for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a severe accident. Umbrella insurance is also cost-effective and comparatively inexpensive for the huge volume of coverage offered. It’s more affordable to opt for one of these policies than it would be to add extra liability coverage to each of your current policies separately.
Get Umbrella Insurance
When you’re ready for an umbrella insurance policy, contact us today at McCluskey Insurance Services LLC in Cincinnati, OH.